It depends. There are 7 stages to the life of a Bed Bug from egg to adult. Please refer to the photo. If you are still unsure, call us and we will inspect for you.

1. An actual Bed Bug sighting.

2. Blood feces resembling ink spots on your mattress, box spring or baseboard near the bed.

3. The cast skins (molting) of the Bed Bug.

4. Red bite marks or welts on your arms or upper torso. (25-30% of people do not react to bed bug bites)

5. Blood smears on your sheets.

Start with the bedrooms and then any place that people leisure in for any length of time.  Common places to look include:  the tufts and folds of mattresses and box springs, crevices in the bed frame, around baseboards and electrical outlets, behind and under night stands, behind picture frames and wall hangings, on clothing, linens and in drawers.

No. We get calls all the time from people after they throw away some of their furniture. In almost all cases we could have saved the furniture and ironically the cost to replace the furniture is usually more than the cost of the Heat Treatment. In some cases of severe infestation, we cannot but we will tell you at the time of inspection.

We eliminate your bed bug problem with one treatment, which takes between six and eight hours. This allows you to reoccupy your home or business the same day.

While it is possible to treat an infestation yourself it is important to understand that Bed Bugs are hardy insects and notoriously difficult to get rid of. Any home treatment will likely take several weeks and you will be living with these pests the entire time. Understanding Bed Bug biology and behavior is crucial to successful eradication. Domestic use sprays and dusts are not as effective as professional grade and if improperly applied can sometimes make the problem worse. Call us and we can discuss your options.

At ProTec Thermal, we use Heat Assault bed bug killer equipment that eliminates ALL bed bugs, at ALL stages of life, through a heat treatment.

Bed bugs and bed bug eggs are killed once air temperatures reach the “kill zone” of 122°F. Our environmentally-friendly equipment produces temperatures in excess of 145°F, using industry leading technology, faster than any other equipment on the market. This allows us to reach the “kill zone” quickly and pump the air uniformly throughout the treatment area, ensuring the death of ALL bed bugs and ALL bed bugs eggs in seconds.​

It is possible but unlikely.  In order for this to happen they would have to already be harboured in an area that would allow them to move away from the heat, such as a heating pipe void.  We always take precautions to prevent possible migrations.  In most cases, as the temperature rises, bed bugs will begin to frenzy and move in short, erratic stop and go movements until the heat overcomes them.  The temperature rise from our equipment is fast enough to kill them before escape is possible.  It is also a 100% environmentally-friendly treatment and is more effective than traditional techniques, like insecticides, which rely on contact to kill the pest.

No. In fact, customers have noticed that odors from various sources, such as animals, cooking, or smoke, have been eliminated from the space after a heat treatment.

No, the heat treatment may reduce your allergic reactions, since it will also kill any mold spores that may be present.

As part of our treatment, temperature probes are distributed throughout the treatment area and are monitored remotely. Once they indicate that the temperature has reached the kill zone for the required time, then we know that the insect eradication is complete. As added assurance of success and for your peace of mind, we will leave traps to monitor for activity post treatment.

Yes! Our treatment will kill eggs and adult insects so it eliminates the need for a re-visit to kill the newly hatched insects. This is one major problem with traditional methods, which require multiple re-visits.

No, the heat application is controlled and is not harmful to most items. We will give you a short prep list of items to be removed from the treatment area that may be affected by heat. ie: live plants, aerosols. candles etc., and our technician will double check for heat sensitive items before treatment begins.

Every treatment is different but the cost of a heat treatment depends largely on the size of the space, the level of infestation and the amount of personal belongings in the treatment area. Chemical treatments require significantly more prep and multiple treatments over a 2-4 week period making it only marginally less costly when compared to Heat Treatment.

Unfortunately, there is no sure way to know. Although difficult to determine, it is important to give it some thought so you don’t accidentally re-infest after treatment.
What we do know is that these parasites are hitchhikers and were brought in to your residence somehow. Common ways they hitch hike include used furniture, backpacks and luggage, plus boxes and clothing that were moved from an infested dwelling. As well, guests that stay in your home may bring them in on their luggage or belongings or conversely you or a family member brought them back from a recent trip or a visit to a friend or relative.

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