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Apartment Vacancies and Bed Bugs

Apartment Vacancies and Bed Bugs

An empty suite in an apartment building or house is frustrating enough for Landlords given the high vacancy rate in Saskatoon, but it becomes much worse if your vacancy is a result of a Bed Bug infestation. Landlords can be held legally liable if they rent a suite with a known infestation. On the other hand, a chemical treatment of the unit is virtually ineffective if there is no live host occupying the premises. Bed Bugs need to be drawn out of harborage in search of a blood meal so they can cross the pesticide barrier. No host? No problem as far as a Bed Bug is concerned. They move into a form of hibernation called diapause and simply wait it out, in some cases up to a year. In this situation, Heat Treating the space is the safest and most effective method of eradication. Superheated air is driven into cracks, crevices and wall cavities killing all live bugs and their eggs in a matter of hours. Call us and we will get you back in business in 1 day.