How Do you Get Bed Bugs

Clients are usually shocked to find a Bed Bug infestation in their home. One of the most common comments I get is, “but I keep my house so clean”.
Cleanliness has very little to do with getting an infestation but has a lot to do with successful eradication of this pest. Having these pests invade your home and psychological well being is usually nothing more than bad luck. Clutter and general untidiness are a factor because they give the pest lots of choice for harborage, making control and extermination more difficult.
Clients often research the web for DIY remedies. The internet is full of them and while not impossible to eradicate on your own, most people usually end up calling the pros. By then, some time has passed and the infestation may have grown and possibly migrated to other areas of the home.
Yes, Bed Bug Infestations are unlucky and Extermination is not cheap but most of the time your first cost is your best cost so consider calling a Professional if bad luck befalls you. We can help.